Q: What is the difference between Elvie Stride and Elvie Pump?
Elvie Pump is our most advanced breast pump, offering mums game-changing freedom to move and feel confident pumping anywhere they dare. Smaller, quieter, smarter than Elvie Stride - and totally tube-free - it's the option for ultimate discretion and provides Elvie's most sophisticated in-bra smart pumping technology. Elvie Stride also offers mums discreet pumping, hands-free movement and smart app features, alongside hospital-grade performance. Unlike Elvie Pump, there is a small motor which sits outside of the bra - which can be clipped to a belt or clothing to keep your hands and body free to move.
Q: What Breast Shield sizes are available for Elvie Stride and how will I know if they'll fit?
Elvie Stride comes with a 24 mm Breast Shield attached to each Cup. Packs of two 21 mm or 28 mm Breast Shields are also available to purchase. Our Breast Shields are sized based on the width of the base of your nipple. You can measure the width of the base of your nipple with a ruler.
The Breast Shield sizes are as follows: Base of nipple width between approximately 16 mm and 18 mm = 21 mm Breast Shield; Base of nipple width between approximately 18 mm and 21 mm = 24 mm Breast Shield; Base of nipple width between approximately 21 mm and 25 mm = 28 mm Breast Shield
The size of your nipples may change over the course of your breastfeeding journey, so please check them regularly. We have an easy to follow guide on how to find the right Breast Shield size that lots of pump owners find helpful: elvie.com/en-us/support/elvie-stride/before-using-elvie-stride/how-do-i-know-which-breast-shield-size-to-use-with-elvie-stride
Q: Can I return my Elvie Stride?
Elvie Stride is a medical device, therefore for hygiene and safety reasons, it can only be used by one person. This means that once the tamper seal is broken, you will not be able to return it unless it is faulty. If you need any help with anything, please contact our Customer Care Team who are ready and waiting to help you through your pumping journey. Support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week: Call 929 239-3212 or visit elvie.com/en-us/about/contact.
Q: How often do I need to clean and sanitize Elvie Stride?
When you're using Elvie Stride you'll need to clean and sanitize it regularly. It is not provided sterile and this means it must be cleaned and sanitized before it's used for the first time. After first use, it should be: cleaned after every use and sanitized once a day. If you would like more information, we have a helpful guide on cleaning and sanitizing: elvie.com/en-us/support/elvie-stride/before-using-elvie-stride/how-do-i-clean-and-sanitize-elvie-stride