The kit to analyze the quality of your air

Home Air Check is an air test kit that offers a professional quality (but easy to perform) diagnostic solution for anyone who wants to know the extent of chemical hazards or toxic mold that may be present inside your home.
Accurate test

The Home Air Check allows you to detect hundreds of airborne chemicals and mold that may be hiding in your home. It offers an accurate reading of plus or minus 20% and is credited by the AIHA for analyzing your air sample. You can also get expert advice on how to improve the quality of your air based on your test results which can be received by email within 5 business days after the analysis is sent.
The kit

The unit comes with a sampling pump that allows you to take an air sample, the sampling tube that contains your air sample and instructions on where to send your sample for testing. It can cover an area of 185 square meters and can detect more than 400 gaseous compounds and solid particles, which means you have a better chance of identifying the main causes of air poisoning.
The Home Air Check is a perfect way to find ways to alleviate various illnesses related to your air quality by creating healthier homes and work spaces. It helps people who suffer from COPD and other types of chronic respiratory illnesses caused by smoking or work-related exposure. It is ideal for people who are sensitive to chemicals, asthmatics and especially children.