The muscle stimulation device

Prorelax Duo Comfort TENS+EMS is a 2-in-1 electric muscle stimulator that helps relieve chronic pain in the body and build up your muscles. With this device, you will receive the appropriate natural treatments to effectively combat pain and significantly improve your personal health and well-being.

Thanks to the dual TENS and EMS technology it uses, this 2-in-1 stimulation device allows you to relieve your muscle pain and relax in a natural way. The TENS technology allows you to effectively fight against muscle and joint pain throughout the body. The EMS technology allows you to considerably strengthen your muscles. In addition, this stimulator also increases blood flow and improves blood circulation, allowing you to relax and unwind. This device is also CE 120 certified, thus ensuring an effective and scientifically controlled treatment. Finally, this dual technology EMS and TENS muscle stimulation device from prorelax offers 8 preset programs and 10 intensity levels. You will be able to choose the program that you like and that corresponds to your needs.
How to use it

The prorelax stimulation device is really easy to use. All you have to do is to follow the instructions in the user manual that comes with the device. You will just have to put the electrode pads or patches on the area of your body you want to relieve or stimulate, turn on your stimulator, choose the program you like, the intensity level of the stimulation and finally the duration of the stimulation. You will have 8 choices of program, 10 levels of intensity and a timer with 12 levels (the maximum level of the timer is 60 minutes). Finally, you can charge your device to any power source via a USB cable, whether to a power bank, on the car radio of your car, etc.

The design of the Prorelax Duo Comfort TENS+EMS stimulation device is both simple and modern. It comes with a control unit and 4 electrode pads. On the control unit, you will find an easy-to-read medium-sized LCD screen and the device's control buttons. Other than that, the Prorelax Duo Comfort TENS+EMS stimulation device is quite small. It is the same size as an ipod or MP3 player and is very light. So you can take it everywhere with you whether in your purse, makeup bag, etc. and use it whenever you need it.