The therapeutic mat and pillows

Ergono Mysa Duo is a set of one mattress and two pillows that offer acupressure technology and heat therapy to target all back and neck areas. They are made of medical grade materials without the use of allergenic materials, ideal for use by teens, adults and seniors.

The Ergono Mysa Duo includes a mattress that is composed of 210 acupressure crowns with 33 points each, a pillow with acupressure crowns and heating pads for the thermotherapy function and the Mysa Hot Ergonopad that heats up and allows you to get a more ergonomic support in the lumbar area. It is an easy to use set of devices that is perfect for all people whether they are teenagers, adults and especially for the elderly.

Each device offers beneficial effects for your health including the function of acupressure to relieve you of stress, or nervous tension while strengthening the muscle tone and the functioning of all your internal organs, ideal for fighting against muscle contractures. The heat function helps you to improve blood circulation, eliminate toxins, promote sleep and much more. The Mysa hot ErgonoPad is suitable for people with postural irregularities by using it as a lumbar support.

The mattress and pillow can be used together or separately and are connected by velcro. They are made of medical grade materials without the use of allergenic materials, each has several small non-toxic ABS plastic flowers with 33 spikes for each flower with a total of over 10,000 spikes. The hot ErgonoPad has a velcro strap allowing it to be attached to your lumbar or directly to your chairs.